MD Sport Therapy

MD Sport Therapy

Acupuncture, Sports Massage, Sports Rehabilitation, Sports Therapy, Strapping & Taping

Matthew Donnelly BSc (hons) Sports Therapist with over 4 years experience in Professional football and injury management.
Currently Working Full Time for a League One Football team and have worked with a vast amount of clients from Footballers, Boxers, CrossFit Athletes, Hockey Players, Runners, Office Workers and much more.
If you would like to know more or have any question please feel free to drop me a message.
Matthew Donnelly MD Sport Therapy

© OpenStreetMap contributors
MD Sport Therapy
Mobile Therapy Home Treatment
L32 8US


Matthew Donnelly

Initial assessment and treatment

Sports Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following sports.

Injury / Condition Specialities

Although we treat injuries related to all sports we have particular expertise relating to the following injuries.

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